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The TelecomMentor
Video Résumé


What is the TelecomMentor Video Résumé?

The TelecomMentor Video Résumé is a web based product that provides you with a tool to create a personal video résumé, to create your own job application web page, and to send a link with your video résumé to employers, colleagues, or friends all over the world.


Is there a charge for the TelecomMentor Video Résumé?
Currently, there is absolutely no charge for our Video Résumé service.


What are computer requirements for the TelecomMentor Video Résumé?

A home computer with Windows, a sound card, and a web cam with a built-in or external microphone is all that is required.


What operating system is required?

To use TelecomMentor Video Résumé, you must have a Windows operating system.


What band width should I use with TelecomMentor Video Résumé?

TelecomMentor suggests using a DSL or improved high-speed connection.


How do I set up my video script?

With TelecomMentor Video Résumé, you can separate your video into different segments and record them separately.  The viewer can then easily access, focus on, and return to each section, whether it is your Introduction, Education or Experience. You may generate as many videos needed by selecting Create Script.


How long should I make each video segment?

The maximum time for each video segment is 5 minutes.  Please remember your viewers normally prefer brief presentations.  TelecomMentor recommends 1-3 minutes per segment.


Can I delete my account on TelecomMentor?

Yes.  Please email your request to TelecomMentor with your user Id and email, and we will take care of it.

How should I dress on camera? 

It is important to dress as you would for a job interview and according to the industry you plan to address.  Remember, a professional appearance will help to convey a serious, polished message and image. Generally, a business suit or dress in a neutral color would be most appropriate.

What type of visual background should I use for the video?

Remember, your viewer sees you and the background. To enhance your professional appearance, try to use a blank wall or nice room.  It is a good idea to experiment with various lighting affects to achieve the best result.


How will my final job application look with TelecomMentor Video Résumé?

Your final job application contains three parts: your résumé, videos, and the list of links leading to your attachments. You may click here to view several screenshots.


Can I include additional attachments such as a résumé, transcripts, certificates, and letters of recommendation?

Absolutely.  As with a traditional job application, documentation including transcripts, certificates, and letters of reference are critical to your success. Just select Browse .to upload these attachments.


How do I send my Video Résumé to potential employers?

TelecomMentor will convert your document into PDF and will provide a URL.  Your video will appear on left side and your résumé will appear on the right. Clients may send this URL to further distinguish their professional image in this highly competitive market and land great jobs.

After you complete this process, you will obtain a URL link such as:<Firstname>.  You can then email your URL to recruiters.

How much will Video Résumé cost?

Remember, TeleomMentor offers our web-based Video Résumé for free. Just register with us in the TelecomMentor market place. You may contact us via e-mail or phone.


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